Resistive voltage divider
Calculates properties of resistive voltage divider circuit
Example 1: Must calculate the input voltage when output voltage is 500 millivolts using 120 kilo-ohm source and 10 kilo-ohm sink resistors | View example |
Example 2: Must calculate the source resistor to have 1 volt output at 100 volt input using 2.2 kilo-ohm sink resistor | View example |

You may use one of the following SI prefix after a value: p=pico, n=nano, u=micro, m=milli, k=kilo, M=mega, G=giga
Fill in all values except the one you wish to calculate
- Input voltage - Input voltage of the source
- Output voltage - Output voltage of the divider
- Source resistor - Resistor connected between input and output (R1)
- Sink resistor - Resistor connected between output and ground (R2)