Resistor color code calculator

Calculates the resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient of the resistor from it's 3 to 6 band color code.

Example 1: Must calculate the resistance of the resistor having following 3 color stripes: red-red-greenView example
Example 2: Must calculate the resistance of the resistor having following 4 color stripes: yellow-violet-orange-silverView example
Example 3: Must calculate the minimum and maximum resistance of the resistor having following 6 color stripes: red-violet-brown-orange-brown-yellowView example
1st band 
2nd band 
3rd band 
4th band 
5th band 
6th band 

Fill in the first 3 to 6 color bands of the resistor
  • 1st band - First color stripe
  • 2nd band - Second color stripe
  • 3rd band - Third color stripe
  • 4th band - Fourth color stripe
  • 5th band - Fifth color stripe
  • 6th band - Sixth color stripe